??? 03/31/12 20:51 Read: times |
#186956 - AT89LP Developer Studio Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Andy Neil said:
I pointed out that Atmel is well-known as having three architectures, so why are they only supporting two in their Studio - and making such a big thing about it?! That product has been called AVR Studio for a very long time, and even there it took a while to get the 8 and 32 bit AVR's under one umbrella, and it is only with the 'tack on' of Cortex M series, that they now re-brand it as Atmel Studio. There is an AT89LP Developer Studio : http://www.atmel.com/tools/AT8...TUDIO.aspx I'm less worried about what their marketing department spins, as they chase Microchip, than I am that they get the AT89LP Developer Studio working to a productive level. To that end, I'd prefer they NOT add another layer of admin and release delay by snuggling under some larger umbrella. |