??? 02/24/11 18:11 Modified: 02/24/11 18:12 Read: times |
#181309 - 16-bitters Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Per Westermark said:
Erik Malund said:
I kind of wonder what happened to the 16-bitters. They got in a no mans land. Not quite. Note for example, that I've posted results for a Microchip 16-bitter in the "dubious benchmark" thread. They come in 2 flavours - as "regular" and as "dsPIC" with enhanced DSP-like arithmetics, and they apparently flourish. Other successful current 16-bit architectures include the TI's MSP430 and the Infineon's 16-bit offering (mostly successors to the '166, which is a remote descendant of the '51). As I said in the "dubious benchmark" thread, there's little comparative advantage or disadvantage of any particular databus-width in the typical embedded world; certainly much less than their promoters like to advertise. JW |