??? 02/24/11 15:21 Read: times |
#181300 - 50/50 Agree/Disagree Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Richard Erlacher said:
Demo boards are often so "chuck-full-of-nuts" (features) that really get in the way more than they help. Often they're on the board because they're easy to include and therefore advertise, rather than to use. Totally agree - see: http://www.8052.com/forum/read/181260 The only real solution with an evaluation kit is to ensure it comes with a complete OS implementation that runs on conventional hardware Disagree - this is by no means the only way; eg, see: http://www.8052.com/forumchat/read/174330 In short, thoroughly read and understand the documentation, including the "fine-print", and not just the first page. Absolutely - always understand what you require from a DevKit, Evaluation Board/Module, or whatever |