??? 12/30/10 04:08 Read: times |
#180343 - Re: That's interesting ... Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Richard Erlacher said:
I don't see how BASCOM, if it really is a BASIC compiler for 805x, would limit you to 4-bit I/O modes. I'm thinking that it's because they're trying to 'limit' the number of pins they use - keeping it down to a single 8-bit port. According to the manual, they even want the R/W line tied to ground... so no busy-status checks are possible. I'd recommend you have a look at the 4-bit and 8-bit examples that are located on 8052.COM (yes, right here!) just to see how they work and, in fact, how they differ. I think you'll be pleased at how little difference there is. I have, and you're right that I don't see much difference. It's MUCH easier to deal with programming tasks with the more modern rules of scope and the simpler and less verbose features of more modern languages such as 'C' or Pascal, both of which are available for the 805x family. FORTH might even be easier. Actually, I'm choosing BASIC because it's a good starting-point on my learning curve. I've programmed the PICAxe series of chips using their BASIC language, so I figure BASCOM isn't all that big a jump. I've looked into C programming, and have something of a hard time grasping the concepts. Later on, though, I do plan on experimenting with coding in FORTH, assembler, and maybe Pascal... but I need to hone my programming skills a bit more first. :-) |