??? 08/29/11 13:25 Read: times |
#183517 - Probably true Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Per Westermark said:
Andy Neil said:
IF they're smart, maybe they can learn something from their AVR division, which seems to have done pretty well out of being hobbyist-friendly - ie, they'll make them easily available in small quantities...
Isn't a lot of that low-quantity availability third-party companies who stock AVR chips for low-quantity sales? Yes, I guess that's probably true. But Atmel could make sure to "feed" that route... I feel the major smart thing Atmel did was their AVR ISP dongle which got people interested in the AVR line. Plus giving away free tools. That's the advantage with a proprietary, single-source architecture - nobody can use your free tools with any other manufacturer's parts! Similarly for PIC. So it's unlikely they'll be giving away free '51 tools - as there's be no way to stop people just taking them and using them with competitor's chips. Similarly for ARM. But, as you say, they could certainly cash-in on the on-chip debug - which most probably is proprietary... |