??? 10/11/09 09:18 Read: times |
#169629 - EPROM programming Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Geoff Nicholls said:
I have several 8748's and 8749H's left over from projects I designed in the '80's. I also have an Intel 8052ah-BASIC chip that I never used. Having time on my hands these days, I thought I would make a programmer out of the 8052-BASIC chip, since it has PROG commands already. Well, if (embedded) EPROM programming is the ultimate goal, my mod of B52 would be useless, as it has the PROG/FPROG commands modified to program/erase the internal FLASH, of course, as a true one-chip solution would be supposed to do. But I personally wouldn't go for the original BASIC52 solution either. IMHO it is considerably less effort to wire up a '48 socket to a second generation '51 such as the 'RD2-s, pin to pin, without the latches and stuff. The programming algorithm is fairly simple to implement. But I most probably wouldn't go for this solution either. I would try to locate a device programmer capable of programming the '48-s among my friends, and ask them to lend me it for a couple of days. JW |