??? 01/02/12 16:45 Read: times |
#185269 - Even or better just then... Responding to: ???'s previous message |
David said:
The data sheet RC will work good enough for you as a hobbyist. The RC reset is no longer shown in the datasheet! More, in application notes ATMEL strongly recommends to use a reset circuitry providing a proper brown-out reset. David said:
A RESET chip will work better if you want a reliable nuclear bomb or space rocket. Flash micros can loose the code memory content during improper reset conditions. This will even annoy the hobbyist... David said:
Even Kai's schematic did not show 100nF decoupling capacitors. They are very important. Of course they are. Obligatory things are often omitted in schematics for reasons of clarity. I always demand using decoupling caps at each chip! David said:
Better still, use an 8051 variant that has a proper internal reset. Sometimes they tend to be even more tricky... Kai Klaas |