??? 01/02/12 10:35 Read: times |
#185247 - Your schematic is wrong Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Remove the transistor switch in the VCC line. Or turn it on permanently.
Copy the RESET circuitry from the data sheet. e.g. capacitor between RESET and VCC, resistor from RESET to GND. Alternatively use a proper external RESET supervisor chip. There are several ways of wiring an 8051 RESET. Copy an existing proven design. I doubt that your schematic would work reliably. The AVRISP-2 should program a AT89S52 just fine. Connect all 6 ISP wires to the relevant AT89S52 pins. The AVRISP-2 will use the active-high RESET. You should read signature successfully with ISP frequency of 200kHz or less. David. |