??? 05/26/10 07:00 Read: times |
#176182 - no problem at my place Responding to: ???'s previous message |
#include <stdint.h> typedef struct { uint16_t b; uint8_t a; } sometype; #include "e.h" extern __xdata sometype x; void main(void) { x.a = 5; } #include "e.h" __xdata sometype x; c:tmpSDCC>sdcc -c e1.c c:tmpSDCC>sdcc -c e.c c:tmpSDCC>sdcc e.rel e1.rel c:tmpSDCC> 120 ; e.c:4: void main(void) { 121 ; ----------------------------------------- 122 ; function main 123 ; ----------------------------------------- 0064 124 _main: 0002 125 ar2 = 0x02 0003 126 ar3 = 0x03 0004 127 ar4 = 0x04 0005 128 ar5 = 0x05 0006 129 ar6 = 0x06 0007 130 ar7 = 0x07 0000 131 ar0 = 0x00 0001 132 ar1 = 0x01 133 ; e.c:5: x.a = 5; 0064 90 00 02 134 mov dptr,#(_x + 0x0002) 0067 74 05 135 mov a,#0x05 0069 F0 136 movx @dptr,a 006A 22 137 ret Please go more into details with "does not work", and perhaps post a minimum example which exhibits the symptoms. JW |