??? 03/01/12 19:01 Modified: 03/01/12 20:19 Read: times |
#186336 - old rpm analog (or digital) display is what they have Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Richard Erlacher said:
Nevertheless, it's unclear how the output frequency is applied. Is there an existing display that takes 10x the input from the engine tachometer and displays it? Yes. See #10 that says ["they are using old rpm analog (or digital) display that produces full scale at 700Hz. so they want the multiplication precise x10 "] So the output is a tacho, & all of those I know use pulse integration, so is somewhat burst tolerant. Hence the simple UART approach, which emits 5 pulses per IP edge. That meter integration means it will likely be enough to just emit at a fixed 1400 baud, or you could time between each edge, and adjust down the UART. Code is very simple, as the uC needs to do nothing else // Set BAUD to 1400 loop this forever... WHILE Pin = LastValue DO LastValue := Pin; SBUF := 055H; END; |