But for now you own DXP so there is no choice to be made.
Actually, this is not entirely true. I don't own it, but was rather instructed to use it and my 'educational institution' owns it. I get to go there to use it. So no bounds yet since I'm only having access to it. Also the part with 'no commercial usage' applies which gives me no trouble since I'm still learning. And, further, I'd like to be thorough if I were going to spend money on some tool with price comparable to a car... So in a way, I consider myself in a position to choose, I have some experience with DXP, yes, but I'm interested in comparison with other solutions.
If someone learns on Wordperfect they're less likely to want to switch to MS Word
But if you get accustomed to have F1 for operation other than help, you will have some trouble with other packages (including windows) especially if they don't have keylayouts for WP users. I forget myself and sometimes try to move 'sheet' with shift-scroll in Corel that way. Next, I agree, it is sometimes religious rather than technical issue. But you wouldn't want to use editor if you can use powerful wordprocessor? Or to use Excel where Access or some real RDBMS was needed. Not always costly multifunctional application has all it's parts at premium. Take a difference between MySQL and MSSQL for example. Maybe some part is just 'made in a hurry'. I don't know if it is the case, but would like to find out (rather sooner than later)...
Things like this must be done in every EDA package.
Yes, but sometimes they are achieved with different techniques. For example PhotoShop and PhotoPaint both work with bitmaps and incorporate filters, but PhotoShop uses masks and layers while PhotoPaint uses objects. Basically they both produce the same result but working techniques differ. I've got myself a free copy of PhotoPaint with scanner, worked with it for a year or so and then had to switch to PhotoShop. It was quite a surprise with 'my hands are tied and I'm blind' feeling I wouldn't want to repeat. A year later I couldn't imagine working with anything but PhotoShop... So I'd like to make correct decision as sooner as possible, not after a while.
And one more thing. If you really aren't using the autorouter, start. Yes, this is the voice of experience.
Thanks, I'll try to get a hang of it. So far I've tried it during tutorial exercises but for something more complex than example given I was not satisfied with its results since I'm using singlesided boards. It usually takes me quite a bit of time to correct its mistakes. I don't like shorting wires on component side to compensate its inability to resolve net the optimum way. Mathematically speaking (net as graphs) autorouter depends on second layer to be able to resolve every net, and not every net can be routed on single sided PWB. So it is a decision I'd like to make for myself since it is heavily dependent of optimum layout of components. But I'll give it another chance, thanks for advice.
Best luck,