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08/17/05 19:26
Read: times

#99585 - Ok
Responding to: ???'s previous message
Erik Malund said:
While I agree that the fault lies with 'A' I still think one can fault 'B' for stating "this works" instead of "this may fail".

I certainly agree that someone that puts code or hardware out there and knows there are functional limitations should make that known simply as common courtesy. But I still don't think that person is to blame if someone else grabs it and uses the code without understanding it.

Anyone that does that (grabs code and uses it without fully understanding it) is at absolulte fault, in my opinion. Especially if that person paid a grand total of zero dollars for the code.

Craig Steiner

List of 17 messages in thread
The problem here is that some unsuspecti            01/01/70 00:00      
   promoting?            01/01/70 00:00      
      if you do not care if it fails, why even            01/01/70 00:00      
         Of course            01/01/70 00:00      
            You got run over in the parking lot, it            01/01/70 00:00      
               Ok            01/01/70 00:00      
   presumption of innocence            01/01/70 00:00      
      negative argument            01/01/70 00:00      
         Millions            01/01/70 00:00      
            the old joke            01/01/70 00:00      
         do you want to do everything for your ow            01/01/70 00:00      
            I will reject everything that does not a            01/01/70 00:00      
               standards and rejections            01/01/70 00:00      
                  but that is enough to ruin you            01/01/70 00:00      
                     why discussing bit bang            01/01/70 00:00      
                        according to...            01/01/70 00:00      
insane and unreliable            01/01/70 00:00      

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