??? 06/13/10 03:37 Modified: 06/13/10 05:23 Read: times |
#176629 - Nicely workable solution found... Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Hi Erik,
Firstly, let me please thank both Michael and Andy for their very helpful suggestions. I feel very privileged to have techniques from the professional coding arena so clearly explained to me, and I am tremendously grateful for the improvements to my own coding skill that has been the direct result. Yes, I am struggling a little with my particular coding situation. I'm still cutting my teeth on code for 8051 variants that will be made generally available to anyone that may feel it worthwhile. There's no way I can ever know for which target architecture my code will be compiled, so I am faced with the challenge of creating code that will remain user-friendly in all circumstances. Thanks to the patience and valuable assistance of 8052.com members however, I am slowly making some progress towards that end. The particular module I'm working on at the moment, Erik, will most likely become a freebie, unexpentantly given away to customers when they make other low cost software purchases. Happy customers often reward me with a second or third contribution towards an individual sale, whenever they are surprised to receive 3 or 4 times the amount of software that they expect. As the particular module matures, it may be placed for individual sale at a token price. After far too much code from my old website began appearing on Chinese download sites, then I had to have a serious think about how to combat this growing menace. It would be unwise for me to go into too much detail, Erik, save to say that genuine software customers who are prepared to offer a token development contribution, will henceforth be very happily rewarded with quality, royalty-free code when visiting my revised distribution website: http://members.iinet.net.au/~vanluynm/ I should probably point out that this site is fairly spacely populated at present, but that it will be the subject of much development activity throughout this southern-hemispheric winter. Please take advantage of the safe bookmarking mechanism, should you later wish to check it's progress. I hope that answers you curiosity, Erik. Thank you for your very welcome interest. Regards, Murray R. Van Luyn. |