??? 06/08/10 17:17 Modified: 06/08/10 17:28 Read: times |
#176523 - A Loosely Related Query? Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Okay, so here's another query I have that is only loosely related to the discussion of header guard definitions and pre-compilation.
I have a module with a header file that includes a sub-component time delay module: //file Sio_poll.h #ifndef SIO_POLL_H #define SIO_POLL_H #include "Delay.h" #define SIO_POLL_XTAL DELAY_XTAL // Defined in Delay.h #endif //file Delay.h #ifndef DELAY_H #define DELAY_H #define DELAY_XTAL 22118400 #endif As it stands, I am able to set the value of the time delay sub-component module's crystal frequency define, and have this auto-magically configure the parent module's crystal frequency define. What I would like to do, however, is to be able to set the parent module's crystal frequency define, and have this label visible within, and able to initialise the sub-component time delay module's crystal frequency define. Is there any way this can be achieved? Regards, Murray R. Van Luyn. |