??? 03/05/11 20:45 Read: times |
#181439 - Adding a DC biac to a bipolar signal? |
I'm working on a three stage amplification circuit for amplifying EMG signals (Electromyographic signals, which are similar to ECG signals) and feeding them to a processor. The problem is that, since the system works on a dual power supply, this signal is bipolar in nature, oscillating between positive and negative voltages. Now since I want to send the entire signal to the processor, it has to be completely positive in nature. So how can I achieve this up-scaling without having to modify the existing circuit and at the same time adding minimal intrinsic noise to the circuit? I was thinking of adding another op-amp stage with 0 gain and a V(ref)= Vcc/2. Will that be achievable? Or is rectification and partial display of only the positive half cycles my only solution? |