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#187553 - Getting the least out of your compiler Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Getting the Least Out of Your C Compiler
Class #508, Embedded Systems Conference San Francisco 2001 Jakob Engblom, IAR Systems "This article discusses how to help a modern, highly optimizing C compiler generate small code, while maintaining the portability and readability advantages offered by C. In order to facilitate an understanding of what a compiler likes and does not like, we will give an inside view on how a compiler operates. Many established truths and tricks are invalidated when using modern compilers. We will demonstrate some of the more common mistakes and how to avoid them, and give a catalog of good coding techniques. An important conclusion is that code that is easy for a human to understand is usually also compiler friendly, contrary to hacker tradition." (my emphasis) http://www.engbloms.se/publicati...f-2001.pdf This article references the above, and some other books that you might want to look into... http://jakob.engbloms.se/archives/750 You should also check your particular compiler Documentation - including tech support articles, App Notes, etc - for specific advice. eg, in the case of Keil C51, see: http://www.keil.com/support/m...c51_xc.htm |