??? 10/20/10 16:55 Read: times |
#179211 - Please focus on the problem i have Responding to: ???'s previous message |
So sorry,
It seems you don't understand my question. Off-course i know the difference in the port initialization. But remember my question, that the code written in C KEIL is not executing. I have also tried the same port initialization mechanism and pin high low code in c but it doesn't work. For you let me post the changed code once again so that you can focus more on the question and not think about the apples and oranges or even their jucies again. #include <REG936.H> // Register definition sbit RL1 = P2^3; //LED1 sbit RL2 = P2^4; //LED2 void Delay(unsigned long cnt); void main() { bit FRL1 = 0; P2M2 = 0xFF; for(;;) { RL1 = FRL1; RL2 = ~FRL1; FRL1 = ~FRL1; Delay(5000); } } void delay (unsigned long cnt) { while (--cnt); } And the new hex which is also not working on the hardware is :04FFF00023001E00CC :08FFF800000000000000000001 :03000000020054A7 :0C00540078FFE4F6D8FD7581200200233F :10002300C20075A5FFA20092A3A200B392A49200FE :0C0033007F887E137D007C00113F80E977 :10003F008F0B8E0A8D098C08780874FF1105EC4D13 :05004F004E4F70F42289 :100003007401FF3395E0FEFDFC080808E62FFFF6B8 :1000130018E63EFEF618E63DFDF618E63CFCF62231 :00000001FF |