??? 07/23/11 12:29 Read: times |
#182996 - code for 24c02 wih 89c52 Responding to: ???'s previous message |
You can try this code
define SDA & SCL pins according to your requirement in the beggining of program /* register and subroutine for eeprom */ int stop(), start(), delay(), shin(), nak(); int writelastcount(); int writeset(); int shout(uchar serialout); int readlasttime(); int readset(); int read_current(); int writelastcount() { stop(); start(); shout(0xa0); shout(0x10); shout(c[1] << 4 | c[0]); shout(c[3] << 4 | c[2]); shout(c[5] << 4 | c[4]); stop(); SDA = 1; SCL = 1; } int writeset() { WP = 0; stop(); start(); shout(0xa0); shout(0x20); shout((set[1] << 4) | set[0]); shout((set[3] << 4) | set[2]); shout((dia[1] << 4) | dia[0]); shout((dia[3] << 4) | dia[2]); shout((time[1] << 4) | time[0]); stop(); delay(); SDA = 1; SCL = 1; WP = 1; } stop() { SDA = 0; SCL = 1; _nop_(); SDA = 1; _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); } start() { SDA = 1; SCL = 0; SCL = 1; _nop_(); SDA = 0; _nop_(); _nop_(); SCL = 0; _nop_(); } delay() { unsigned char dly1,dly2; dly1 = 0x7f; while(dly1 != 0X00) { dly2 = 0xff; while(dly2 != 0X00) --dly2; --dly1; } } readlastcount() { start(); shout(0xa0); shout(0x10); c[0] = read_current(); stop(); c[2] = read_current(); c[4] = read_current(); c[1] = (c[0] >> 4) & 0x0f; c[0] = c[0] & 0x0f; c[3] = (c[2] >> 4) & 0x0f; c[2] = c[2] & 0x0f; c[5] = (c[4] >> 4) & 0x0f; c[4] = c[4] & 0x0f; SDA = 1; SCL = 1; } readset() { start(); shout(0xa0); shout(0x20); set[0] = read_current(); stop(); set[2] = read_current(); set[1] = (set[0] >> 4) & 0x0f; set[0] = set[0] & 0x0f; set[3] = (set[2] >> 4) & 0x0f; set[2] = set[2] & 0x0f; dia[0] = read_current(); dia[2] = read_current(); dia[1] = (dia[0] >> 4) & 0x0f; dia[0] = dia[0] & 0x0f; dia[3] = (dia[2] >> 4) & 0x0f; dia[2] = dia[2] & 0x0f; time[0] = read_current(); time[1] = (time[0] >> 4) & 0x0f; time[0] = time[0] & 0x0f; SDA = 1; SCL = 1; } int read_current() { uchar serialin; start(); shout(0xa1); serialin = shin(); nak(); stop(); return serialin; } int shout(unsigned char serialout) { unsigned char eepromcounter; eepromcounter = 0x08; while(eepromcounter) { serialout = serialout << 1; _nop_(); SDA = CY; _nop_(); SCL = 1; _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); SCL = 0; --eepromcounter; } SDA = 1; _nop_(); _nop_(); SCL = 1; _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); CY = SDA; SCL = 0; } int shin() { uchar eepromcounter,serialin; SDA = 1; eepromcounter = 0x08; while(eepromcounter) { serialin = serialin << 1; _nop_(); SCL = 1; _nop_(); if(SDA) serialin = serialin | 0X01; SCL = 0; --eepromcounter; } return serialin; } nak() { SDA = 1; _nop_(); _nop_(); SCL = 1; _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); SCL = 0; } |
Topic | Author | Date |
Help me ? 89C52 interfacing with EEPROM 24C02 | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Do *not* use 'for' loops for delays! | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
100k is the upper limit | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
HLL delay loops - just don't do it! | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
that may be difficult | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
but there is a way | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
See if this code is of any help! | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
I doubt it very much | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
No, it isn't | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
doubts 1,2,3 | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
code for 24c02 wih 89c52 | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Do *not* use 'for' loops for delays! | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
code?![]() | 01/01/70 00:00 |