??? 10/20/10 19:12 Read: times |
#179216 - thank for the help on my project Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Thank a lot for all yours responses and ideas. I’m sorry if I didn’t make myself clear
Here is what I’m trying to do I’m building a clock/ thermometer using an 8051. I have the code and it work fine, but I need more than one alarm and more than one output; for example this is what I need tree different outputs, the first one for alarm 1 and 2, the second one for alarm 3 and 4, and the last one for the countdown (or an alarm by hours for example every 72 hours or 120 or 24). Like I said I’m a not good in programming that why I consider myself a beginner, but on the other hand I’m good with logic and gates so I create a circuit using a combination of OR, NAND, and XOR to make different alarms sound for each alarm. And it will make a mix once the countdown reach it reset. Here is the code that I have, also I have schematics and diagram. Thanks alot and I appreciate all the help. // Program to make a digital clock with integrated Alarm and digital thermometer #include<reg51.h> #define port P1 #define adc_input P0 #define cont_port P3 #define dataport P2 #define m_sec 10 sbit rs = cont_port^0; sbit rw = cont_port^1; sbit en = cont_port^6; sbit dig_hr1=port^0; sbit dig_min1=port^1; sbit start=port^2; sbit am_pm=port^3; sbit alarm_set=port^4; sbit alarm=port^7; sbit wr= P3^2; sbit rd= P3^3; sbit intr= P3^4; int hr ,hr1=0,alarm_hr=0; int min,min1=0,alarm_min=0; int sec,sec1=0,dig_am_pm=0,alarm_am_pm=0; int test_final=0,test_intermediate1[10],test_intermediate2[3]={0,0,0}; void delay(unsigned int msec) // Time dealy function { int i,j ; for(i=0;i<msec;i++) for(j=0;j<1275;j++); } void lcd_cmd(unsigned char item) //Function to send command to LCD { dataport = item; rs= 0; rw=0; en=1; delay(1); en=0; return; } void lcd_data(unsigned char item) // Function to send data to LCD { dataport = item; rs= 1; rw=0; en=1; delay(1); en=0; return; } void lcd_data_string(unsigned char *str) // Function to send string to LCD { int i=0; while(str[i]!=' ') { lcd_data(str[i]); i++; delay(1); } return; } lcd_data_int(int time_val) // Function to send number to LCD { int int_amt; int_amt=time_val/10; lcd_data(int_amt+48); int_amt=time_val%10; lcd_data(int_amt+48); } void lcd(unsigned char str1[10]) { lcd_cmd(0x38); lcd_cmd(0x0e); delay(1); lcd_data_string(str1); } void shape() // Function to create the shape of degree { lcd_cmd(64); lcd_data(2); lcd_data(5); lcd_data(2); lcd_data(0); lcd_data(0); lcd_data(0); lcd_data(0); lcd_data(0); } void convert() // Function to convert the data of ADC { int s; s=test_final/100; test_final=test_final%100; lcd_cmd(0xc9); if(s!=0) lcd_data(s+48); else lcd_cmd(0x06); s=test_final/10; test_final=test_final%10; lcd_data(s+48); lcd_data(test_final+48); lcd_data(0); lcd_data('C'); lcd_data(' '); delay(2); } void set_hr1() // Function to set set hours digit of clock { hr1++; if(hr1>11) hr1=0; lcd_cmd(0xc3); lcd_data_int(hr1); lcd_data(':'); } void set_min1() // Function to set set minutes digit of clock { min1++; if(min1>59) min1=0; lcd_cmd(0xc6); lcd_data_int(min1); } void set_alarm_hr1() // Function to set set hours digit of alarm { alarm_hr++; if(alarm_hr>11) alarm_hr=0; lcd_cmd(0xc3); lcd_data_int(alarm_hr); lcd_data(':'); } void set_alarm_min1() // Function to set set minutes digit of clock { alarm_min++; if(alarm_min>59) alarm_min=0; lcd_cmd(0xc6); lcd_data_int(alarm_min); } void alarm_check() // Function to check alarm { if(hr==alarm_hr) { if(min==alarm_min) { if(dig_am_pm==alarm_am_pm) { alarm=1; lcd_cmd(0x8b); lcd("ALARM"); } } } } void temp() // Function to calculate temperature { int i; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { delay(1); rd=1; wr=0; delay(1); wr=1; while(intr==1); rd=0; lcd_cmd(0x88); test_intermediate1[i]=adc_input/10; delay(1); intr=1; } for(i=0;i<10;i++) test_intermediate2[0]=test_intermediate1[i]+test_intermediate2[0]; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { delay(1); rd=1; wr=0; delay(1); wr=1; while(intr==1); rd=0; lcd_cmd(0x88); test_intermediate1[i]=adc_input/10; delay(1); intr=1; } for(i=0;i<10;i++) test_intermediate2[1]=test_intermediate1[i]+test_intermediate2[1]; for(i=0;i<10;i++) { delay(1); rd=1; wr=0; delay(1); wr=1; while(intr==1); rd=0; lcd_cmd(0x88); test_intermediate1[i]=adc_input/10; delay(1); intr=1; } for(i=0;i<10;i++) test_intermediate2[2]=test_intermediate1[i]+test_intermediate2[2]; test_intermediate2[0]=test_intermediate2[0]/3; test_intermediate2[1]=test_intermediate2[1]/3; test_intermediate2[2]=test_intermediate2[2]/3; test_final=test_intermediate2[0]+test_intermediate2[1]+test_intermediate2[2]; shape(); convert(); } void main() { int k; start=1; dig_hr1=1; dig_min1=1; alarm_set=1; alarm=0; lcd_cmd(0x83); lcd("SET ALARM"); lcd_cmd(0xc3); lcd_data_int(hr1); lcd_data(':'); lcd_data_int(min1); while(alarm_set==0) { delay(10); if(dig_hr1==0) set_alarm_hr1(); if(dig_min1==0) set_alarm_min1(); } if(am_pm==0) { lcd_cmd(0xc8); lcd_data_string("am"); alarm_am_pm=0; } if(am_pm==1) { lcd_cmd(0xc8); lcd_data_string("pm"); alarm_am_pm=1; } delay(200); lcd_cmd(0x01); lcd_cmd(0x83); lcd("SET TIMING"); lcd_cmd(0xc3); lcd_data_int(hr1); lcd_data(':'); lcd_data_int(min1); while(start==0) { delay(10); if(dig_hr1==0) set_hr1(); if(dig_min1==0) set_min1(); } if(am_pm==0) { lcd_cmd(0xc8); lcd_data_string("am"); dig_am_pm=0; } if(am_pm==1) { lcd_cmd(0xc8); lcd_data_string("pm"); dig_am_pm=1; } delay(200); lcd_cmd(0x01); while(1) { for(k=0;k<2;k++) { for(hr=hr1;hr<12;hr++) { for(min=min1;min<60;min++) { for(sec=0;sec<60;sec++) { lcd_cmd(0x81); delay(1); lcd_data_int(hr); lcd_data(':'); lcd_data_int(min); lcd_data(':'); lcd_data_int(sec); if(dig_am_pm==0) { lcd("am"); } else { lcd("pm"); } alarm_check(); lcd_cmd(0xc3); delay(2); lcd_data_string("TEMP:"); temp(); lcd_data_string(" "); } } min1=0; } if(dig_am_pm==0) dig_am_pm=1; else dig_am_pm=0; hr1=0; } } } |
Topic | Author | Date |
8051 alarm clock | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Large number of alarms | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Design Really Needed | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
two things | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Segment your Application | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Incremental work | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
date means date. | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
an interesting anecdote | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Definitely keep a table | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
I wouldn't rely on that | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
No SMS for setting clock | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
thank for the help on my project | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Options![]() | 01/01/70 00:00 |