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#175032 - Built FSK Modul Responding to: ???'s previous message |
Hallo numpang tanya,
Sebenarnya saya ingin membuat semacam telemetri yang bisa transfer data serial lewat jalur audio, sehingga bisa ditumpangkan ke radio rig atau HT. Saya berpikir apakah bisa 89S51 diprogram menjadi sebuah modem yang mana bisa merubah dari data serial (TTL) menjadi suatu sinyal audio, dan sebaliknya microcontroller satu lagi digunakan untuk merubah kembali menjadi data serial TTL. Apakah ada contoh programnya? Terimakasih. |
Topic | Author | Date |
FSK Modul | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Incomplete question | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Yes | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Just Simple FSK | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
V.22? | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Scenix and Cypress | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Yes, here's an 80c51 that does it | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
ftp://ftp.embedded.com/pub/2002/09banks | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
it's been a while ... | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
with 80C51 | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Built FSK Modul | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
there's such info | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
I cannot find it | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
past info![]() | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Lots of unanswered questions, but probably yes | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
I was thinjing much the same thing | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
There are problems with some modulation schemes | 01/01/70 00:00 |