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Digital Clock for SBCMON
SBC Hardware: Main | SBC Schematic/Parts List | Technical Details | All pages in PDF format
SBC In-System Programming: Information | VisISP-52 ISP Application
SBCMON Monitor/Operating System: Main Page | Manual
SBCMON-based Software: SBCMON Monitor | Keypad Demo | LCD Echo Demo | Hardware Clock | Software Clock
SBCMON-based PS/2 Software: PS/2 Comm Monitor | PS/2 Keyboard | PS/2 Mouse

Download Digital Clock for SBCMON

You may download either the source code or the ready-to-use Intel-Hex version of the keypad demonstration program. The Intel-Hex version may be loaded into SBCMON's memory using the L or Q commands. Download the source ASM program if you'd like to see the code that makes SBCMON work.

What Does this Program Do?

This program is a simple digital clock that constantly displays the current time and date retrieved from the DS1307 RTC and displays it on the LCD. A typical display for the digital clock is:

Fri Feb 25, 2005
Note that the clock must first be set (with the 'C' command, for example) prior to running this program or the clock will be wrong and/or will not be updated. When setting the clock, the day of the week code (1-7) should be 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, etc.

You may press any key in the PC's terminal program in order to exit the clock.

Concepts Demonstrated by Program

This program demonstrates the following concepts:

  1. I2C communication.
  2. Reading the time from the DS1307 RTC.
  3. Clearing LCD screen.
  4. Setting LCD cursor position.
  5. Writing characters to the LCD.