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02/11/20 21:10
Read: times

#190967 - Keil C51 Bug
I think I found a bug in the pre-processor for C51 v9.52. I'm using uVision V4.72.9.0

In testing some baud rates I found that the table values calculated by the pre-processor are wrong in one instance. All of the baud rate generator values are correct except for 19600.

#define  SYS_CLK   12000000L           // Tcyc = 1/12MHz = 83ns

| Baud rate to UART 1 baud rate generator reload conversion. 
|                       SYSCLK
| Reload = 65536 - ------------------  
|                  PRE * 2 * baudrate
| Assume SYSCLK is 12MHz and Baud Rate Prescaler Select == 11 (/1).

#define  NUM_BAUDRATES  9

static U16 code BaudParams[NUM_BAUDRATES] =
   65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*1200)),       // 0xEC78 (exact)
   65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*2400)),       // 0xF63C (exact)
   65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*4800)),       // 0xFB1E (exact)
   65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*9600)),       // 0xFD8F (exact)
   65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*19200)),      // 0xFEC7 (0.16%) // COMPILER BUG? Gives 0x01BA. :(
   65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*38400)),      // 0xFF64 (0.16%)
   65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*57600)),      // 0xFF98 (0.16%)
   65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*115200)),     // 0xFFCC (0.16%)
   65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*31250))       // 0xFF40 (exact)

#if(65536 - (SYS_CLK/(1*2*19200)) != 0xFEC7)
   #warning "Compiler preprocessor BUG at UART1 Baud rate 19200!"


If anyone wants to double check this and other versions, that would be great. Also not sure if it's worth trying to find the Keil/Arm forum wherever it's gotten to...

List of 6 messages in thread
Keil C51 Bug            01/01/70 00:00      
   integer overflow            01/01/70 00:00      
      Same result (bad)            01/01/70 00:00      
         Spreadsheet Analysis             01/01/70 00:00      
         please try again            01/01/70 00:00      
            Yay            01/01/70 00:00      

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