??? 04/01/16 05:39 Modified: 04/01/16 06:07 Read: times |
#190641 - Hmmm Responding to: ???'s previous message |
It's been a while since I tried Atmel firmware + AT Studio programmers, but I recall some version creep & lottery connect issues.
You are probably better to use TSim51 instead ? http://turbo51studio.orgfree.com/downloads...-setup.zip For SPI ISP, the easiest 'blind start' is to use a Bootloader ROM device, (any of AT89LP51Rx2 @ 22.1184MHz) and Assemble/download the code below, using ISP via BootLoader menu. Then, it runs as SPI Bridge firmware, so you change the menu from ISP via BootLoader to ISP via SPI and you can ISP the AT89LP6440 etc. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; TSim51 ISPviaSPI_fwLP51B2.ASM derived from ISPviaSPI_C2051.asm ISP programmer via SPI interface ; TSim51.b504 ~14.74MHz upper Sim speed 89LP51TB2, not Fast. ; TSim51.b600.DLL ~17.55MHz Sims on Terminal & Coms. ; TSim51.b650.DLL 89~100% of 22.1184MHz ; ; This code acts as a Serial <-> SPI bridge, to allow TSim51 Program of ALL Atmel AT89xx devices, ; with SPI ISP feature, using the ISP via SPI menu ; ; Suggested Target Firmware host device is AT89P51RB2-20PC, as the cheapest new variant with ROM BOOTLOADER. ; The ROM loader means you can use any Serial link to program this firmware HEX file into a AT89P51RB2-20PC ; ; and once the BOOT FUSE (BLJB) is flipped, this PGM (Serial<->SPI) bridge runs instead of the BOOT. ; (Holding PSEN low at RESET can still force ROM boot for re-flash firmware updates ) ; All other fuses can be left in default (erased) state = [XtalOsc, /2, /12 Compat mode, ; ; ie Run ISP via Bootloader menu to first install this Firmware, and then you can run ISP via SPI menu ; ; Osc: 22.1184 MHz ; Serial: 115200,n,8,1 - fixed with /16/12 (or 57600 with 11.0592MHz xtal) ; ; Pins: P1.0 - Error led ; P1.1 - Ready led ; ; P1.3 - SS ; ; P1.4 - SCK ; ; P1.5 - MOSI ; ; P1.6 - MISO ; ; P1.7 - RESET ; ; ; Resgister usage: R0 - FIFO input pointer ; R1 - FIFO output pointer ; R2 - Command length ; R4 - Bit counter ; R5 - SCK pulse width counter ; R6 - Command temporary storage ; ; Serial Command formats: (used by TSim51 Studio, View.ISPvaiSPI menu) ; ; Header: ':', CommandChar, Length ; Data: [Byte 0] .. [Byte (Length-1)] ; ; Commands: ':R'#2 [Data0] - RST (bit7), SCK (bit4) and CPOL (bit0) control ; [Data1] - SCK pulse width ; ; ':S' [Length] [Data ...] - SPI command with SS release after end ; ':s' [Length] [Data ...] - SPI command without SS release after end ; ; Data length: 1..77 bytes, so if the data is longer then the 's' command must be used, ; prior to the last block. ; The last block, and one block commands with 'S' to start. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $PAGING ; Enable title header and paging (default, with width = 72) $DATE () ; use today's date, and enable on Title $PAGELENGTH (65535) ; Similar to $NOPAGING, allows useful Title line: AsmVer $TITLE Date $PAGEWIDTH (118) ; Tune to suit editor and included information. 118 trims here->| ; 118 suits TSim51 @ 1024x768 screen ;$NOPAGING ; totally removes title header, date, and paging, extends Page width 255 $TITLE ( ISP programmer via SPI ISPviaSPI_fwLP51B2 ) $NOMOD51 ; Use Generic 8051 resources $INCLUDE (AT89LP51RB2.inc) bseg at 0000h CPOL: dbit 1 NCPOL: dbit 1 OnTxReady: dbit 1 dseg at 0021h Pulse: ds 1 CmdChar: ds 1 dseg at 0030h Header: ds 3 Buffer: ds 77 Baud equ -1 ;115200 baud 22.1184M/12/16 = 115200 Stack equ 07h LEDRDY equ P1.1 LEDERR equ P1.0 PSS equ P1.3 PSCK equ P1.4 PMOSI equ P1.5 PMISO equ P1.6 PRST equ P1.7 Xtal1 EQU 22.1184e6 Xtal2 EQU 22.118456789123e6 XtalDiff EQU Xtal2-Xtal1 ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RESET and INTERUPTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cseg at 0000h ;Reset vector ajmp Start cseg at 0023h ajmp SerialInt cseg at 0040h ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main Code ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start: mov P1,#0FFh mov P3,#0FFh mov SP,#Stack mov P0M0,A ;change to QuasiBiDirectional on Pn mov P1M0,A mov P2M0,A mov P3M0,A setb LEDERR ;no error clr LEDRDY ;ready mov TMOD,#00100001b ;T0:mode 1, T1:mode2 orl PCON,#10000000b ;SMOD = 1 mov SCON,#01000000b ;Serial port: mode 1 mov TH1,#Baud ;Set baud (115200 baud) mov TL1,#Baud setb TR1 setb REN setb ES mov R0,#Header mov R1,#Header setb OnTxReady setb EA Main: cjne R0,#Header,Main1 sjmp Main Main1: acall GetChar acall PutChar cjne a,#':',Main acall GetChar acall PutChar mov R6,a acall GetChar acall PutChar acall Command clr LEDRDY setb LEDERR mov R0,#Header mov R1,#Header sjmp Main GetChar: mov a,R1 clr c subb a,R0 jnc GetChar mov a,@R1 inc R1 ret PutChar: jnb OnTxReady,$ clr OnTxReady mov SBUF,a ret Command: cjne R6,#'S',Cmd1 sjmp CmdSpi Cmd1: cjne R6,#'R',Cmd2 sjmp CmdReset Cmd2: cjne R6,#'s',Cmd3 sjmp CmdSpi Cmd3: ret CmdReset: acall GetChar acall PutChar mov c,ACC.0 mov CPOL,c cpl c mov NCPOL,c xrl a,#080h orl a,#6Fh ;MOSI, MISO, SS high mov P1,a acall GetChar acall PutChar mov Pulse,a ret CmdSpi: clr PSS CmdSpiLoop: mov a,R1 xrl a,R2 jz CmdSpiExit acall GetChar acall SpiData acall PutChar sjmp CmdSpiLoop CmdSpiExit: mov a,Header+1 cjne a,#'S',CmdSpiNoClose setb PSS CmdSpiNoClose: clr c ret SpiData: mov R4,#8 mov R5,Pulse cjne R5,#0,SpiSlow SpiLoop: mov c,CPOL mov PSCK,c mov c,acc.7 mov PMOSI,c mov c,NCPOL mov PSCK,c mov c,PMISO rlc a djnz R4,SpiLoop setb PMOSI clr PSCK ret SpiSlow: mov c,CPOL mov PSCK,c mov c,acc.7 mov PMOSI,c mov R5,Pulse djnz R5,$ mov c,NCPOL mov PSCK,c mov R5,Pulse djnz R5,$ mov c,PMISO rlc a djnz R4,SpiSlow setb PMOSI clr PSCK ret ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Interrupt Code, Serial ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SerialInt: push acc push psw jnb RI,SerialIntTI clr RI mov @R0,SBUF cjne R0,#Header,SerialInt1 cjne @R0,#':',SerialInt0 setb LEDRDY sjmp SerialIntStore SerialInt0: clr LEDERR clr LEDRDY sjmp SerialIntTI SerialInt1: cjne R0,#Header+1,SerialInt5 cjne @R0,#'R',SerialInt2 sjmp SerialIntStore SerialInt2: cjne @R0,#'S',SerialInt3 sjmp SerialIntStore SerialInt3: cjne @R0,#'s',SerialInt4 sjmp SerialIntStore SerialInt4: mov R0,#Header mov R1,#Header sjmp SerialIntTI SerialInt5: cjne R0,#Header+2,SerialInt6 mov a,@R0 add a,#Buffer mov R2,a sjmp SerialIntStore SerialInt6: mov a,R0 jb ACC.7,SerialInt4 xrl a,R2 jz SerialIntTI SerialIntStore: inc R0 SerialIntTI: jnb TI,SerialIntExit clr TI setb OnTxReady SerialIntExit: pop psw pop acc reti Version: DB "Firmware ISPviaSPI_fwLP51B2 v1.01 AT89LP51RB2" end ;TASMC51 V1.1 ISP programmer via SPI ISPviaSPI_fwLP51B2 PAGE 4 ; ; S E G M E N T U S A G E ; ========================= ; ; Code : 402 bytes of 24576 ; Data : 82 bytes of 128 ; IData : 0 bytes of 128 ; EData : 0 bytes of 2048 ; FData : 0 bytes of 0 ; UData : 0 bytes of 512 ; XData : 0 bytes of 65536 ; Bit : 3 bits of 128 |
Topic | Author | Date |
AT89LP ISP Studio | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Hmmm | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
thanks, it works![]() | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
this has been ages and .... | 01/01/70 00:00 |