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01/03/13 10:32
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#189059 - connecting sartorius balance with hyperterminal
hello, I am using a sartorius weighting scale attached with my laptop. the manual of the balance says that it receives commands through the interface port and sends the weight value on the scale display to the connected pc, now the command for getting the weight value is ESC P and the format the these characters should be transmitted is start bit, 7 bit ascii-coded character,parity bit, 1 or 2 stop bit, now can anybody help me how to send this command accordingly through hyperterminal

List of 3 messages in thread
connecting sartorius balance with hyperterminal            01/01/70 00:00      
   Google is your firend!            01/01/70 00:00      
      Look in User mannual            01/01/70 00:00      

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