??? 05/25/12 20:47 Modified: 05/25/12 20:48 Read: times |
#187530 - about (tables of) pointers to const strings Responding to: ???'s previous message |
i'm trying (learning C this way ), to define structures , usable in user input menu. Each structure will hold some data, which describes fields to be entered by user in submenu, and strings , related to these fields, belonging to submenu. First problem was to solve representation of strings, related to enumerated data type (and how to combine them with single prompt messages, related to numerical types) . In code below such type is declared as 'edittype_bool'. Code compiles in Dev-C (Win) and executes as i "want" .
My questions- what errors i have , and what is optimal solution for code block , designated as "B-BLOCK" ? #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #define recordtype1 1 //not important here #define recordtype2 2 //not important here #define edittype_bool 0 #define edittype_number 1 typedef struct typedescriptor { char TDrecordtype; char TDfieldscount; const char* TDfieldstypes; const void *TDmsgORptrtomsg; } TD; //-------- user input submenu 2 description const char msg_TWO_a[]="How many beers per day You drink?-"; const char msg_TWO_b[]="How many coffee per day You drink?-"; const void *editmessages_td_two[]= //array of pointers { msg_TWO_a, //pointer to string msg_TWO_b //pointer to string }; const char fieldstype_td_two[]={edittype_number,edittype_number}; const TD TD_two= { recordtype2 ,//not important now 2 , // 2 fields to input/change fieldstype_td_two, editmessages_td_two }; //-------- user input submenu 1 description const char msg_ONE_aA[]="Marriage status?-"; const char msg_ONE_aB[]="Married."; const char msg_ONE_aC[]="Non married."; const void *msg_ONE_a_tab[]= { msg_ONE_aA, msg_ONE_aB, msg_ONE_aC }; const char msg_ONE_b[]="How many pets You have?-"; const char msg_ONE_c[]="How many friends You have?-"; const void *editmessages_td_one[]= { msg_ONE_a_tab,//pointer to array of pointers msg_ONE_b, //pointer to string msg_ONE_c //pointer to string }; const char fieldstype_td_one[]={edittype_bool,edittype_number,edittype_number}; const TD TD_one= { recordtype1 ,//not important now 3 , // 3 fields to input/change fieldstype_td_one, editmessages_td_one }; //---- user input menu description #define SUBMENUScount 2 const TD *EditMenu[SUBMENUScount]= {&TD_one, &TD_two }; //---- test routine for accessing strings void testaccess(void) {char submenu,fieldnum,fieldscount,fieldtype; const char* fieldonestring; void **ptr1; //void **ptr2; void *ptr3; for (submenu=0;submenu<SUBMENUScount;submenu++) {printf("Submenu %d ---------n",submenu); fieldscount=EditMenu[submenu]->TDfieldscount; for (fieldnum=0;fieldnum<fieldscount;fieldnum++) {fieldtype=EditMenu[submenu]->TDfieldstypes[fieldnum]; ptr1=(void**)EditMenu[submenu]->TDmsgORptrtomsg; if (fieldtype!=edittype_bool) { fieldonestring=(const char*)ptr1[fieldnum]; printf("field %d ,prompt message= %s n",fieldnum,fieldonestring); } //edittype!=bool else {//B-BLOCK start ptr3=ptr1[fieldnum]; ptr1=(void**)ptr3; fieldonestring=(const char*)ptr1[0]; printf("field %d ,prompt message= %s n",fieldnum, fieldonestring); fieldonestring=(const char*)ptr1[1]; printf("--when 0,show as= %s n", fieldonestring); fieldonestring=(const char*)ptr1[2]; printf("--when 1,show as= %s n", fieldonestring); //B-BLOCK end };// edittype==bool };// end for(fieldnum) };//end for( submenu) } //end void testaccess() //---------------------- int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { testaccess(); system("PAUSE"); return 0;//EXIT_SUCCESS; } Output is: Press any key to continue . . . Submenu 0 --------- field 0 ,prompt message= Marriage status?- --when 0,show as= Married. --when 1,show as= Non married. field 1 ,prompt message= How many pets You have?- field 2 ,prompt message= How many friends You have?- Submenu 1 --------- field 0 ,prompt message= How many beers per day You drink?- field 1 ,prompt message= How many coffee per day You drink?- best regards |
Topic | Author | Date |
const strings in C | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
Does not compile | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
my question was | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
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Common doesn't mean recommended | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
well I recommend it | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
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C strings | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
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nothing wrong, double work | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
It works, and has advantages | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
I got in a total absolute magnificent mess | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
thanks to everyone, and next question is | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
about (tables of) pointers to const strings | 01/01/70 00:00 | |
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