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12/19/13 21:24
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#190203 - good cheap fast have all 3
SILabs has come out with a sub-$1 @single the f38x-f39x
they all have
â–  50 MIPS throughput (peak)
â–  1 kB of RAM (256 internal bytes and 768 XRAM bytes)
â–  Calibrated internal 49 MHz oscillator
â–  Internal 80 kHz oscillator
â–  Two SMBus/I2C
â–  Enhanced SPI, Enhanced UART
â–  Six Timers
â–  Three Programmable Counter Array channels
â–  Analog Comparator
Flash up to 16k
10-Channel ADC
10-bit DAC

List of 3 messages in thread
good cheap fast have all 3            01/01/70 00:00      
   SWM            01/01/70 00:00      
      yes            01/01/70 00:00      

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