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09/10/12 11:02
Read: times

#188287 - Of course
Responding to: ???'s previous message
Of course it is possible.

If you place your byte variables in bit-addressable memory, then you can read and write individual bits directly. How to do it will depend on your specific compiler, since the C standard doesn't contain any bit variables forcing the compiler vendors to create language extensions to take advantage of the 8051 capabilities.

The other option is to read up on bit operations (& | ^ << >>) in C. Any decent C text book should contain the required information.

List of 11 messages in thread
Different variable bit merge into single variable?            01/01/70 00:00      
   Of course            01/01/70 00:00      
      its bit addressable....            01/01/70 00:00      
         No            01/01/70 00:00      
            just want to check...            01/01/70 00:00      
               What was missing in the answers you have already received?            01/01/70 00:00      
                  no defined bit order            01/01/70 00:00      
                     Just use C expression            01/01/70 00:00      
         what is wrong with IE?            01/01/70 00:00      
            Right!!!!!!!!!!            01/01/70 00:00      
               gobbledygook            01/01/70 00:00      

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