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#178972 - Port 3 interrupt and input problem, Silicon Labs C8051F020

I have recently been working with the Silicon Labs C8051f020 development board (C8051f020-DK). I am trying to read either a logic level high voltage, or 5V as high into the 8051. When I attempted this using port 3 (Setting pin 3.7, IE7 to edge trigger high) I could not get the interrupt to trigger. I am now attempting to set pin 3.7 as a digital input (No interrupt) and read in a logic level high.

I am following the example code and I have tried setting the pin to open drain and writing a 1 to the pin, as well as setting the pin to open drain and then writing a 0 to the pin. Either way, 3.7 volts always appears on the pin. According to the code the LED should trigger on or off when a ground is applied.

Even if the pin is changed from the example to open drain, the LED always turns on or off if you apply ground to pin 3.7.

I have read through the crossbar and port configurations and they seem to be set correctly, though I could see how the crossbar could potential cause a problem.

I am obviously making some mistake with my configuration, so any ideas would help me out a lot.
The example code (after my experimentation) is below. Thank You.

// F02x_Ports_SwitchLED.c
// Copyright 2005 Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
// Program Description:
// This program demonstrates how to configure port pins as digital inputs
// and outputs.  The C8051F020 target board has one push-button switch 
// connected to a port pin and one LED.  The program constantly checks the 
// status of the switch and if it is pushed, it turns on the LED.
// How To Test:
// 1) Download code to a 'F020 target board
// 2) Ensure that the J1 and J3 headers are shorted
// 3) Push the button (P3.7) and see that the LED turns on 
// FID:            02X000002
// Target:         C8051F02x
// Tool chain:     Keil C51 7.50 / Keil EVAL C51
// Command Line:   None
// Release 1.0
//    -Initial Revision (GP)
//    -15 NOV 2005

// Includes

#include <c8051f020.h>                 // SFR declarations

// Pin Declarations

sbit LED1    = P1^6;                   // LED1 ='1' means ON
sbit SW1     = P3^7;                   // SW1 ='0' means switch pressed

// Function Prototypes

void OSCILLATOR_Init (void);           
void PORT_Init (void);

// main() Routine

void main (void)
   WDTCN = 0xde;                       // Disable watchdog timer
   WDTCN = 0xad;

   PORT_Init();                        // Initialize Port I/O
   OSCILLATOR_Init ();                 // Initialize Oscillator
   while (1)
      if (SW1 == 0)                    // If switch depressed
         LED1 = 1;                     // Turn on LED
         LED1 = 0;                     // Else, turn it off
   }                                   // end of while(1)
}                                      // end of main()

// Initialization Subroutines

// Return Value : None
// Parameters   : None
// This function initializes the system clock to use the internal oscillator
// at its maximum frequency.
void OSCILLATOR_Init (void)
   OSCICN |= 0x03;                     // Configure internal oscillator for
                                       // its maximum frequency (24.5 Mhz)

// PORT_Init
// Return Value : None
// Parameters   : None
// This function configures the crossbar and ports pins.
// To configure a pin as a digital input, the pin is configured as digital
// and open-drain and the port latch should be set to a '1'.  The weak-pullups
// are used to pull the pins high.  Pressing the switch pulls the pins low.
// To configure a pin as a digital output, the pin is configured as digital
// and push-pull.  
// Some ports pins do not have the option to be configured as analog or digital,
// so it not necessary to explicitly configure them as digital.
// An output pin can also be configured to be an open-drain output if system
// requires it.  For example, if the pin is an output on a multi-device bus,
// it will probably be configured as an open-drain output instead of a 
// push-pull output.  For the purposes of this example, the pin is configured
// as push-pull output because the pin in only connected to an LED.
// P1.6   digital   push-pull     LED1
// P3.7   digital   open-drain    Switch 1
void PORT_Init (void)
   P1MDIN |= 0x40;                     // P1.6 is digital

   P1MDOUT = 0x40;                     // P1.6 is push-pull
   P3MDOUT = 0x00;                     // P3.7 is open-drain

   P3     |= 0x80;                     // Set P3.7 latch to '1'

   XBR2    = 0x40;                     // Enable crossbar and enable
                                       // weak pull-ups

// End Of File

List of 17 messages in thread
Port 3 interrupt and input problem, Silicon Labs C8051F020            01/01/70 00:00      
   inconsistency in datasheet            01/01/70 00:00      
      Thank you            01/01/70 00:00      
         also            01/01/70 00:00      
            Clarification on answer            01/01/70 00:00      
               for this            01/01/70 00:00      
                  Confusing replies            01/01/70 00:00      
                     Not my confusion            01/01/70 00:00      
                        confused me            01/01/70 00:00      
                           confused me            01/01/70 00:00      
                              hm            01/01/70 00:00      
                                 the common method is ....            01/01/70 00:00      
                                    good            01/01/70 00:00      
                                 On Some SiLabs Parts (but not 'F020)            01/01/70 00:00      
                                    interrupt polarity on F020            01/01/70 00:00      
                                       Correct?            01/01/70 00:00      
                                          EIE2, EA and ISR            01/01/70 00:00      

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