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10/04/10 00:53
  10/04/10 01:44

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#178881 - 8051 driving 2n3904
Hi all! Just curious as to why when I drive a 2n3904 from p3.1-6 to turn on and off an LED, everything works fine. To do the same thing to drive a 12 VDC relay, I need a 4.7K resistor in series with the base. Won't that decrease the current thereby not allowing the transistor to saturate? It works and is just driving me nuts as to why I need the 4.7K resistor. Any explanation would be appreciated!


OK. Found some info in the FAQ's. I see the need for the resistor. My relay takes 30mA to drive the coil. 4.7K makes sense. Here's the real question. My project is a North-South, East-West stop light. 6 relays, not all on at the same time, but with some dual opperation. Does the 8051 supply enough current at the P3 outputs with resistors installed and 2n3904's to drive 6 relays? 2 max on at the same time.


List of 10 messages in thread
8051 driving 2n3904            01/01/70 00:00      
   NPN transistor...from port pin...            01/01/70 00:00      
   The better way..            01/01/70 00:00      
   Best is to reply inline in another posting.            01/01/70 00:00      
      sorry!            01/01/70 00:00      
   An efficient relay driver...            01/01/70 00:00      
      Zetex, RIP.            01/01/70 00:00      
   8051 driving relays            01/01/70 00:00      
      Try a 'Search'.            01/01/70 00:00      
         Bidirectional port driver topology            01/01/70 00:00      

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