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09/04/10 09:40
  09/04/10 10:12

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#178438 - Bible, FAQ, and Tutorial time!
Responding to: ???'s previous message
The generic description of the 8051 architecture can be found in the so-called "bible" for the 8051 - links here:

Note that there is a whole section on Interrupts in the FAQ.

You should probably also take time to review the Tutorials - they also contain a whole chapter on Interrupts!

The operation of the interrupts - including the hardware-generated LCALL that reads from the Vector Table - is described on p 15 (the last page) of Chapter 1, "80C51 Family Architecture"

See also p 16 of Chapter 3, "80C51 Family Hardware Description"

Vector addresses are shown on p 6 of Chapter 2, "80C51 Family Programmer’s Guide and Instruction Set"

Note that the so-called "Vector Table" in the 8051 differs from the "Vector Table" in x86, ARM, etc:

  • In x86, ARM, etc, the table entry is the address of the service routine; ie, a vector to the service routine;

  • In the 8051, the table entry is the (start of) the actual code of the service routine.

    To put it another way:

  • x86, ARM, etc, call the service routine indirectly via the Vector Table;

  • The 8051, calls the service routine directly in the Vector Table.

    Thus it could be argued that the 8051's is not a true Vector table...

  • List of 2 messages in thread
    interrupts            01/01/70 00:00      
       Bible, FAQ, and Tutorial time!            01/01/70 00:00      

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