Silicon Labs has just released an amazing new low power device that is revolutionizing battery powered / low power products. The C8051F9xx family of MCUs has an operating voltage range of .9v to 3.6v with full operational ability of all the peripherals -- the Industry’s Lowest Voltage MCU. Now products which are designed to operate off of batteries can easily achieve operation using just one battery cell instead of two - while reducing the overall power consumption.
There are many additional features of this new device including:
- DC to DC converter – the MCU can provide up to a 3.3v source of power for external components such as LCDs / driver chips / etc.
- Fast ADC wake-up – ready to do a conversion in 1.7us
- Direct-connect Capacitive Touch capability – up to 23 Captouch switches – no external components needed
Dateline: 03/20/08