How to search on
Submitted By: Jan Waclawek FAQ Last Modified: 12/04/07
- [Temporarily, the native Search is disabled]
There are two options:
- use the local search facility (see "Search" in the left column or on top of the Forum topic list page)
- use google with specifying "" (or any other search machine which allows a similar constraint)
The local search has the following peculiarities:
- search is case insensitive (this is not really surprising)
- double-quotes works for searching a particular phrase (e.g. cf. "hello world" and hello world)
- the search returns pages where ALL of the searched expressions occurs (this is OK as the other case - ANY of the expressions - has less use)
- the search includes into the searched text (message) also the poster's name and the subject (so all my posts mentioning reset IC (including that which mentions "reset IC" only in the subject and not in the body of the message) can be searched for entering "Jan Waclawek" "reset IC"), but NOT the location nor date
- also searches the web pages and user pages in addition to the message forum
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