Glossary of terms and abbreviations commonly used on this website?
Submitted By: Jan Waclawek FAQ Last Modified: 04/11/07
- Many of these terms and abbreviations are explained in the "bible".
- "bible" - the 8051 User Manual
- ISR - Interrupt Service Routine
- SFR - Special Function Register - the programmer's interface to the built-in peripherals of '51. From program, SFRs are seen as directly accessed bytes in the 80h-FFh area (most of this area is unoccupied).
- derivative - a '51-core microcontroller sharing the same SFRs and with the same working of peripherals than the original 8051 (with possibly added functionality)
- deviate - a '51-core microcontroller with substantially modified structure of peripherals and SFRs
- 12-, 6-, 4-, 2-, 1- (or single-)clockers - '51 derivatives with instruction cycle taking 12 (this is compatible with the original), 6, 4, 2 and 1 oscillator clocks. Execution of an instruction may take more than one instruction cycle. The structure of instruction cycles per instruction may be the same than the original 12-clocker (typical for the 6-clockers (sometimes denoted also as "x2") and 2-clockers); or different, with an overhead of cca. 50% (typically the 4-clockers and singleclockers).
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