What software do I need to do 8052 development?
Submitted By: Craig Steiner FAQ Last Modified: 07/10/06
- In addition to the hardware above, you'll need an ASCII editor that allows you to create 8052 source code. You may use programs as simple as EDIT in DOS or NOTEPAD in Windows to advanced software development editors. What's important is that the program save your code as PURE ASCII--this means no word processors such as Word or Works.
Once you've created your source code, you need a program to compile or assemble this into an "Intel HEX" file. This software is called an assembler (if it handles assembly language) or a compiler if it handles anything else (C, Basic, Pascal, etc.). These assemblers and compilers will generally create anoutput file known as a "HEX file." This is essentially the 8052 equivalent of an "EXE" file. This file is then either downloaded directly to the microcontroller (if your derivative has In-System Programming/Serial Port loading support) or is passed to yet another program which transfers the file to an EPROM using an EPROM programmer.
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