What hardware do I need to do 8052 development?
Submitted By: Craig Steiner FAQ Last Modified: 07/10/06
- Most 8052 developers use a PC with some version of Windows (although some use Unix). You will run your development tools on the PC to edit and compile your 8052 software.
Once your 8052 software has been compiled, you will need to transmit your compiled program to the microcontroller. How you do this and whathardware you need depends on the derivative chip you're using and your actual circuit design. Traditionally, programs have been "burned" into an EPROM using an EPROM programmer. The EPROM is subsequently inserted into your circuit and the program is accessed by the microcontroller. EPROMs may be erased and re-used by clearing them with an EPROM Eraser (the EPROM is erased by exposing the EPROM to ultra-violet light for 5-10 minutes). An EPROM emulator is often used during the testing or development stages to allow the developer to quickly test code without having to constantly burn and erase EPROMs.
However, many newer derivative chips include internal EEPROM or Flash memory. These derivatives often include a process of downloading your compiled 8052 program directly into the microcontroller via a serial port. In these cases, the EPROM programmer is unnecessary.
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